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About TGL

We had this idea a few years ago but were never in a position to get it off the ground. Our essential aim is provide past and present police officers, and their families, a method of displaying their pride in both their organisation and their colleagues. The Thin Blue Line is such a fantastic organisation which an overwhelming amount of mainland officers support, but we feel that the complexities and proud history of policing in Northern Ireland deserves its own recognition. As a brand we are unashamedly proud of the amazing work that is conducted by the PSNI and we are equally proud of its predecessors in the RUC GC and RIC. Our brand is operated by a former soldier who has completed two tours of Afghanistan and has had family serve in the PSNI, RUC, and RIC. Although we are a sole trading business, all of our profits bar our artwork is donated to charity. We are associated with both the RUC PSNI Benevolent Fund and the Police Historical Society, both of which receive a percentage of our profits. We are a sole trader. To contact the RUC GC/PSNI Benevolent Fund directly or to donate please follow the link below.
RUCGC/PSNI Benevolent Fund

RUCGC/PSNI Benevolent Fund


Produce effective kit for peelers and promote the reality of the sacrifice and tenacity of our police service, both now and in the past.
All our kit is produced in the UK. Free shipping. Check out our instagram and social media channels for more.


We operate from Northern Ireland somewhere between the Irish Sea and the Mournes